By clicking the titles below, you can access other information from the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
before and during pregnancy
- Good Health Before Pregnancy: Preconception Care
- Prenatal Genetic Screening Tests
- Prenatal Genetic Diagnostic Tests
- Nutrition During Pregnancy
- Obesity and Pregnancy
- Listeria and Pregnancy
- How Your Baby Grows During Pregnancy
- Car Safety for Pregnant Women, Babies, and Children
- A Partner’s Guide to Pregnancy
- Is it Safe to Have Sex During Pregnancy
- Routine Tests in Pregnancy
- Special Tests for Monitoring Fetal Well-Being
- The Rh Factor: How it can Affect Your Pregnancy
- Cord Blood Banking
- Exercise During Pregnancy
- Travel During Pregnancy
- Back Pain During Pregnancy
- Morning Sickness
- Skin Conditions During Pregnancy
- Multiple Pregnancy
- If Your Baby is Breech
- A Healthy Pregnancy for Women with Diabetes
- Gestational Diabetes
- Carrier Screening
- Carrier Screening for Hemoglobinopathies
- Carrier Screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy
- Reducing the Risk of Birth Defects
- Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs and Pregnancy
- Opioid Use Disorder and Pregnancy
- Marijuana and Pregnancy
- Preterm Labor and Birth
- Having a Baby After Age 35: How Age Affects Fertility and Pregnancy
- Early Pregnancy Loss: Miscarriage and Molar Pregnancy
- Ectopic Pregnancy
- Preeclampsia and High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
- Bleeding During Pregnancy
- Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in Pregnancy
- Genetic Disorders
- Repeated Miscarriages
- Group B Streptococcus and Pregnancy
- HIV and Pregnancy
- Coronavirus, Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding
- The Flu Vaccine and Pregnancy
- Cystic Fibrosis: Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis
- Breastfeeding Benefits
- Breastfeeding Your Baby
- Breastfeeding Your Baby: Breastfeeding Positions Infographic
labor and delivery
- How to Tell When Labor Begins
- When Pregnancy Goes Past Your Due Date
- Cesarean Birth
- Assisted Vaginal Delivery
- Labor Induction
- Induction of Labor at 39 Weeks
- Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring During Labor
- Breastfeeding Your Baby
- Male Newborn Circumcision
- Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery: Deciding on a Trial of Labor
- Pain Relief During Labor and Delivery
- Preterm Labor
- Extremely Preterm Birth
- Postpartum Sterilization